So the adventures have started already! After a long and cramped flight, endured by watching three movies, reading, and sleeping, we made our way to the dreaded customs lines. We had been told that because of the sluggish economy that they are being very strict as to who they are letting in. A friend from Ireland had told us to say that I was coming to "support" Ross. Unfortunately, she meant emotionally and the customs man interpreted that as financial. So the first thing he says to me (Suz) is, "Well, do you have a work permit?" (something I didn't have since I didn't have a company already sponsoring me to work). So I respond that I don't and he tells Ross that he is going to have to deport his dear wife back to the states! Oh dear! The hearts were racing and pumping! We smoothly attempted to back ourselves out of that corner by showing that we had the funds to support both of us without me working here for awhile. So all in all, he let me into the country with a three month holiday visa. We now have to go into the Garda Station and try to extend my visa using a better story.
So to say the least, we DEFINITELY need your prayers for us to find favor with the customs department. Also, that I (Suz) am able to find a company that will sponsor me to work for them so that I can apply for a work visa. Nothing is ever easy:)
After we made it through customs we gathered all of our HUGE luggage. Katie, a girl over here that we were connected with through Dublin Vineyard picked us up from the airport. We crammed our luggage into her teeny car, with only a tiny spot for me to sit in the back with my legs folded up to my chest! But surprisingly everyone and everything fit.
We met Bethan, the lady we are staying with for a few weeks until we are able to find housing. She is great and has been super helpful. It is hilarious just how different things are over here. To bad we couldn't even figure out how to flush the toilet! The light switches and door handles are opposite, you drive on the left hand side of the road, and the normal sized refrigerator is the size of a bar refrigerator in the states. Say adios to costco runs and 1 stop grocery runs for the week!
Soon we will be looking for housing, setting up our phone service and bank account. Pray that all goes smoothly! We love you and miss you all already.
Much love from the Emerald Isle,
Ross and Suz
Guys....this is soooo exciting! Ya'll look so relaxed and settled in. Just seeing you (Ross) right there standing in front of your school, in Dublin is too much. This is so wonderful that you can keep us all informed so quickly...thank goodness for technology.
Am anxious to hear more
Love, MA
Suz, that is so scary (re: customs!) We will definitely be praying that it all works out. My former supervisor is from Ireland and I know she still has family there. I'll look into it and see if she has any gov't or work connections.
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